Al-Anon’s Seventh Tradition states that every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Groups and individual members who want to donate to service arms below the group level can use the addresses below. (Why do we say below the group level? Find out here.)

Note: If you are donating from a group, please be sure to note your group’s WSO registration number, which is on your group’s detailed listing page found here. If there is no WSO number noted with the donation, it will be recorded as being from you, individually.

To donate to District 26 Al-Anon/Alateen

  • By mail: District 26 Al-Anon/Alateen, P.O. Box 8175, Berkeley CA 94707
  • Via Venmo: Click here, pay @D26Al-Anon in the Venmo app, or scan this barcode:
Venmo @D26Al-Anon
  • Via PayPal: Click here or scan this barcode:

To donate to Northern California World Service Area

  • Online or by mail: Click here

To donate to Al-Anon World Service Office

  • Online or by mail: Click here.