Al-Anon members use many abbreviations/acronyms when sharing and in their written reports/documents. Some of the following have been used for many many years and others are more current as technology has changed Al-Anon service structure.

Groups :

AFG Al-Anon Family Groups
EG Electronic Groups
CMA Current Mailing Address (each group needs one of these to be connected to the Area and World Service)

District :

DR District Representative (and Alt-DR Alternate District Representative)
GR Group Representative (and Alt-GR Alternate Group Representative)

Area and World Service :

NCWSA Northern California World Service Area
NCWSC Northern California World Service Committee (DRs, Alt-DRs and Area Officers and Coordinators)
GEA Global Electronic Area
WSC World Service Conference
WSO World Service Office

Alateen :

APP Area Alateen Process Person and AAPP Area Alateen Process Person ( coordinates the AMIASes in the District and Area)
AMIAS Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (trained volunteers who work with Alateens)

Other :

AA Alcoholics Anonymous
CAL Conference Approved Literature
ESH Experience Strength & Hope
KBDM Knowledge Based Decision Making
LDC Literature Distribution Center
ODAT One Day at a Time (Daily Reader)